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RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless : solving Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise without proxy

The object contains data for Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise solving task. This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers.

Object structure

Property Type Required Default value
type String Yes RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless
websiteURL String Yes Address of a webpage with Google ReCaptcha Enterprise
websiteKey String Yes Recaptcha website key. < div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="THAT_ONE"> or < iframe title="reCAPTCHA" src="...;k=6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH &... , where 6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH - websiteKey
enterprisePayload String No Some implementations of the reCAPTCHA Enterprise widget may contain additional parameters that are passed to the “grecaptcha.enterprise.render” method along with the sitekey.
apiDomain String No Domain address from which to load reCAPTCHA Enterprise. For example:
Don't use a parameter if you don't know why it's needed.

Request example:


JSON with no errors
        "enterprisePayload": {
                "s": "SOME_ADDITIONAL_TOKEN"

Response example:

JSON with no errors

Get Result:

Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for ReCaptcha2. You will get response within 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.

Property Type Description
gRecaptchaResponse String Hash which should be inserted into Recaptcha2 submit form in < textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" ..> . It has a length of 500 to 2190 bytes.


JSON with no errors