Captcha solving service

Automate your apps with our fast and cheap API
Lowest price on the market
Starting from 0.5USD per 1000 images, depending on your daily upload volume
99.99% uptime since 2007
Our vast workforce and premium infrastructure allow us to provide a highly reliable 24/7/365 service.
Solving Google Recaptcha since 2016
You can rely completely on our stable solution and forget about browser emulation.
Browser plugin included
Free captcha solver tool for your favorite browser.
Supported captcha types and their prices
Price per 1000 Solving Speed Workers Free Capacity
$0.5 - $0.7* 7 s Busy: 369
Idle: 244
1889 / per minute
$0.95 - $2* 18 s Busy: 1905
Idle: 1143
3667 / per minute
$1 - $2** 8 s Busy: 151
Idle: 211
1512 / per minute
$5 12 s Busy: 37
Idle: 100
500 / per minute
$2 11 s Busy: 481
Idle: 367
1853 / per minute
$1.8 19 s Busy: 211
Idle: 361
1085 / per minute
$2 12 s Busy: 766
Idle: 801
3956 / per minute
*We provide automatic discounts based on your daily captcha volumes.
**Cost depends on the V3 quality score.
Anti-Captcha hero gives money to workers
100% of captchas are solved by human workers from around the world.
This why by using our service you are helping thousands of people to feed themselves and their families. An average worker makes about $100 per month, which is a very good salary in developing countries like India, Pakistan, and Vietnam among others. With your help, they now have a choice between working in toxic factory conditions or on a computer.
No user interaction required
With our plugin you will pass any captcha with no hussle. Captchas are recognized automatically, in the background.
Integrates smoothly with iMacros, Puppeteer and Selenium
Automate your work to a next level.
Helps thousands of visually impaired people around the world
Captcha is not only an obstacle for bots, but also for people with disabilities. Our plugins help them navigate the web.
Your grandma will love it too
No more annoying "Select all cars" on those tiny images.
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