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HCaptchaTaskProxyless : hCaptcha puzzle solving

The object contains data for hCaptcha solving task. This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers.

Object structure

Property Type Required Default value
type String Yes HCaptchaTaskProxyless
websiteURL String Yes Address of a webpage with hCaptcha
websiteKey String Yes hCaptcha website key.
isInvisible Bool No Use true for invisible version of hcaptcha
cookies String No Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page.
Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2

Request example:


JSON with no errors

Response example:

JSON with no errors

Get Result:

Use the method getTaskResult to request an answer for hCaptcha. You will get a response within a 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.

Property Type Description
gRecaptchaResponse String Hash which should be inserted into hCaptcha submit form on target website.
userAgent String During submitting, you should use the same User Agent with which hCaptcha was solved.
respKey String The result of the "window.hcaptcha.getRespKey()" function when available. Some sites use this value for additional verification.


JSON with no errors
        "gRecaptchaResponse": "P1_eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.hKdwYXNza2V5xQb9JvlblBqjTdKpourvlRNpOZLvJb0yJRmsXVFVjyxFWlL1wdYBXaPyFtnxwy2ukbMgwWn62-cjSc98Iw2XIPYWg5MNDKS4_7tBIhjY0PienoKy1...",
        "respKey": "E0_eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoidjQ3RjlqZGFYTllFQXlZZFYyRTlaWlBVQUdLaFpPakpRNjBXRTljVW40VnY3NnhuN2V3R0wwVWd1MW1Wai90WEdoYmt5a2NqVGlGdWpsSlpmVjcza...",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"