ComplexImageTask HCaptcha: hCaptcha captcha solution
The object contains data about the task for solving hCaptcha.
Object structure
Property | Type | Required | Default value | Default value |
type | String | Yes | ComplexImageTask | Specifies the task object type |
class | String | Yes | hcaptcha | Specifies the task object class |
imageUrls | Array | yes (if imagesBase64 is not filled) | [ “”, “”, … ] | List with image URLs. One element per request! |
imagesBase64 | Array | yes (if imagesBase64 is not filled) | [ “/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAAAAAAAD…”, “/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAAAAAAAD…”, … ] | List with images in base64 format. One element per request! |
metadata.Task | String | yes | Please click each image containing a mountain and others | Task text (in English) |
userAgent | String | no | - | The browser User-Agent to use when loading images if links were passed in imageUrls. It is required to use a modern browser signature, otherwise Google will return an error asking for a browser update. |
websiteURL | String | no | - | URL of the page where the captcha is solved |
Request example:
JSON with no errors
"task": {
"type": "ComplexImageTask",
"class": "hcaptcha",
"imageUrls":[ "", "" ],
"metadata": {
"Task": "Please click each image containing a mountain"
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36.",
"websiteUrl": ""
Response example:
JSON with no errors
Get Result:
Use the getTaskResult method to get the captcha solution. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time ranging from 300ms to 6s.
Property | Type | Description |
answer | Array | List with boolean values, "true" means that you need to click on the image corresponding to this position |
JSON with no errors
"answer": [ false, true ]